Hamas denounces Charlie Hebdo's new edition

(dpa) - Hamas, the Islamist movement in control of the Gaza Strip, has denounced the cartoon of a weeping prophet Mohammed in the first edition of Charlie Hebdo after the deadly attack by Muslim extremists at the Paris offices of the French satirical magazine.

The Palestinian group‘s official newspaper, Felesteen, Thursday said that insulting the prophet is not warrented by freedom of expression.

It published a cartoon showing a hand making a stop sign opposite another hand with a paintbrush resembling the devil. The first hand appears with the slogan "Anything but the Prophet," and the one with the brush reads "Freedom of speech."

Charlie Hebdo‘s first issue after the attack on Wednesday featured a crying cartoon of the prophet holding a "Je suis Charlie" sign under the headline: "All is forgiven."

Senior Hamas leader Izzat Risheq said the decision to publish that cartoon "poured oil on the fire."

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