GIGABYTE Z77N-WIFI powers Project Ayr - The latest Jeffrey Stephenson Creation


Firstly, let’s get one thing clear: Jeffrey Stephenson is not a case modder. He does not modify cases. Jeffrey designs and hand-builds small form factor PCs inspired by art-deco and other classic genres, using materials such as teak, mahogany and basswood. The results can only be described as breath-taking.

The latest build is known as Project Ayr. Based on the GIGABYTE Z77N-WIFI motherboard, Project Ary is described in Jeffrey’s own words as “…a solid state, fanless, no-moving-parts, dead silent home theater PC in aluminum and mahogany. Features include Intel HD4000 graphics and an Intel Cherryville SSD.”




Here’s a short video from the man himself, showing his new creation.

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You can find more info, photos (inc. step by step photos) here.

More info about the small form factor GIGABYTE Z77N-WIFI Mini-ITX board can be found here.

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